SafeSpot Children’s Advocacy Center of Fairfax provides a safe environment and support services for child abuse victims and their families as they navigate the investigation and aftermath of abuse. SafeSpot’s services include forensic interviews conducted in a neutral, fact-finding manner and coordinated to avoid duplicate interviewing; crisis intervention and support for non-offending family members; mental health therapy for children and caregivers; and careful case reviews by a multidisciplinary team of professionals, including law enforcement, prosecutors, interviewers, social workers, medical and mental health professionals, victim assistance staff, and child advocates. By coordinating the Fairfax County response to child abuse, SafeSpot puts the interests of the child first.

Child abuse is a significant public health problem that has short- and long-term consequences for children, families, and communities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 13 boys will experience sexual abuse before the age of 18. Fairfax County, home to more than 330,000 children, receives more than 1,000 reports of child abuse each month through the Child Protective Services Hotline. In 2023, SafeSpot served 650 children and 558 non-offending caregivers.

2024 Impact Grant: $100,000