Do you want to understand more about nonprofit finances? Whether you plan to participate in a Many Hands focus area committee or just want to make informed decisions about your personal charitable giving, it is always good practice to conduct a basic review of a nonprofit’s finances. Sound daunting? An upcoming Finance 101 session is designed to demystify financial information and answer questions. You don’t need a CPA—just Zoom in for this informative session!

When: Thursday, December 12, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Where: On Zoom

Who: We welcome anyone interested in this important topic to join us.

Please email with questions about the event.

Members of the Many Hands Grants Committee will provide a brief overview of the grantmaking process and answer questions about eligibility requirements, grant priorities, and application software.

When: Tuesday, December 17, 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Where: On Zoom

Who: Prospective grant applicants

Please email with questions.