We were delighted to see so many new, returning, and prospective members at our Zoom kickoff for the 2021 Grant Cycle. If you were unable to join us, we have posted highlights below, including remarks by our special guests: Kris Thompson, CEO of Calvary Women’s Services, a 2020/2012 Partner Grantee, and Kenneth Ward, executive director of College Bound, the 2012 Impact Grantee.

Unfortunately, we are unable to replicate our breakout rooms, which brought attendees together in small groups to talk about the Many Hands member experience, but we invite you to direct any questions about membership to Lynne Battle and Anna Pfeiffer at [email protected].

Join us in making a difference together!

Many Hands Board member Robin Berkley shared her experience with Many Hands as executive director of Horton’s Kids, the 2014 Impact Grantee.

Kris Thompson, chief executive officer of Calvary Women’s Services, explained how Many Hands grants have helped Calvary expand its education and employment services and discussed Calvary’s responses to the challenges created by the pandemic.

Kenneth Ward, executive director of College Bound, highlighted the impact of the $100,000 Many Hands grant in enabling College Bound to support students in college for the first time and described how College Bound has pivoted to support its students virtually.

Following the recorded presentations, Many Hands Board member Katy Moore moderated a live Q&A session with Kris Thompson and Kenneth Ward that addressed the most pressing challenges their organizations face, including access to technology, and conversations around racial justice.