On June 1st, the founders of ClickMedix and DC Greens combined forces and launched their big innovation – a mobile app and digital platform that allows low-income, Washington, DC residents to redeem vouchers prescribed by doctors for fruits and vegetables at local farmers’ markets. Both ladies would be the first to admit that these types of voucher programs exist in other cities. What they would say does not exist, however, is the kind of technological pairing that allows for cross-sector collaboration and data analysis – a key piece of the empowerment formula that many government, clinical and nonprofit agencies trying to transform health services are hungry for.

Most don’t think data is sexy.

But Ting and Lauren would beg to differ. They believe their technology just may be the key to understanding and solving the problem of food access on a city scale while linking health clinics to the services that their patients desperately need.

“Our tool allows healthcare innovation to be where the customers are,” says Ting. “Today, we’re focused on food, but if we get this part right, we can expand and help drive the kind of behavior that can transform the health industry.”

[Read full article.

Tara Roberts, Contributor, Forbes